Wednesday, October 26, 2011

rollerblading with Andy

Lucas was going to hang out with Daniel and I wanted to race him there and surprise him. I was rolelrblalding down the street really fast and a couple kids wanted to play hide and seek. I told them my hiding spot was further down. I could hear Daniels truck and I thought I wasn't fast enough. I got to an elementary school and saw Andy from the office. I said, "Andy...from the office?"
He said "yeah..."
I anwered, "Sorry, I dont know your non-acting name. Is it ANDREW?"
He and his friend gasped and said "yes".
I said, "Do you know mine?"
"It's Amber." And I rollerbladed in a circle to try and impress them. "Same name. Same character."
Andy's friend said "You and the Amber character both have hair tie things on your wrist and ankle!" I checked and I had hair ties on my ankle. It was strange.
Then someone said,"Your Dad is really nice to let you rollerblade"

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