Sunday, November 6, 2011

David and James fall in love

Today I was at the Main house. We were talking to David and his whole family in a big fancy entryway. I realized that David was using his hands more than usual when he spoke. They let me know that David and James Julian had fallen in love but it was a secret. David said, "My mom still has a hard time with it but she is trying" I knew that both of them were attracted to women so I didn't understand why they would choose this even with the gospel and when they could easily be attracted to other people. I knew James was probably about to leave his wife to come be with David. Del Main looked like sister Stallings but was herself. She told me not to tell anyone, and I said I would not. But later I was home and sitting on the couch with Jonni. She was telling me how happy James and Tabitha are. I told her I was sorry but I knew something about someone. I tried not to say anything and said "a person we know, has decided to be in a same sex relationship with someone else we know. And this person is going to leave his DANG IT I SAID HIS. Oops. Anyways. So a guy we know is leaving his family for another guy we know and honestly David looks happy. DANG IT I SAID HIS NAME! Now you know!" Just then Del popped up from behind the couch and said "DID YOU TELL HER?" and I said "I didn't mean to! I was just telling her the basics without any names and I completely slipped I'm so sorry but I know she wont tell anyone. I'm the person she tells things to!" Del walked away.

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